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Shining Stars: Prevention Programs That Work in the Southeast

NCJ Number
M W Bond
Date Published
55 pages
This publication of the Southeast Regional Center for Drug-Free Schools and Communities recognizes 41 school and community-based programs and strategies that constitute outstanding examples of effective drug prevention efforts.
Programs included in the publication include a clear, no drug use message and those that have been in operation at least a year; reflect current, relevant research on alcohol and other drug prevetion; have a scope and sequence which are developmentally appropriate for participants; establish specific, measurable objectives and demonstrate evidence of significant, positive outcomes; employ qualified and/or trained personnel; are replicable in similar settings; and, when appropriate, facilitate basic academic skills, address the needs of high-risk youth, and consider the special needs of minority youth. Each program description identifies the target population and program objectives, discusses program operation, and provides a contact person's address and telephone number.