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Sheriffs’ Offices, Procedures, Policies, and Technology, 2020 – Statistical Tables

NCJ Number
Connor Brooks, BJS Statistician
Date Published
November 2023
37 pages

This report provides data on authorized equipment and techniques, body-worn cameras, and K-9 units in sheriffs’ offices. It also presents tables on training, policies, and procedures. Additionally, the report describes the prevalence of community policing plans.


  • In 2020, about 29% of sheriffs’ offices authorized respiratory neck restraints only under limited circumstances, and 26% of deputies worked in these offices.
  • About 68% of sheriffs’ offices deployed body-worn cameras in 2020.
  • Most (93%) sheriffs’ offices required annual in-service training hours for full-time sworn deputies in 2020, with an average requirement of 38 hours.
  • In 2020, about 10% of sheriffs’ offices had deputies check immigration status during a traffic stop.