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Sheriff Management Study 2007

NCJ Number
Date Published
July 2007
103 pages
Data and information from a 2007 comprehensive survey of South Dakota's sheriff's offices address their expenditures and resources.
Budgeted sources of income showed a combined total of $33,422, with 87 percent of the income coming from county funds. The 56 reporting sheriffs offices served jurisdictions ranging in population size from 1,227 to 161,322. A per capita cost of county law enforcement services was estimated to be $45.53. The 567 offices employed 362 full-time, sworn personnel. Data on sworn personnel encompass salaries, length of employment, age and gender, education, and officer personnel benefits. Data on personnel benefits include education, insurance, vacation, sick leave, holidays, overtime, and second jobs. Data on agency equipment address vehicles, specialized equipment, and weapons issued to sworn officers. Information is also provided on the offices involved in community policing operations and contract law enforcement. Data are also provided on the number of warrants issued and the number of personnel processing warrants, as well as the number of civil papers and the amount of civil fees collected by the offices. Other information and data cover K-9 units, the number of laptop and in-field computers, the number of in-county and out-of-county jails, jail budgets, officer training, and office policies. Survey questions on office policies pertained to pursuit driving, the use of deadly force, violation of protection/stalking orders, and protective body armor. Extensive tables

Grant Number(s)
Sponsoring Agency
Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)

999 N. Capitol St. NE, Washington, DC 20531, United States

Corporate Author
South Dakota Attorney General

Pierre, SD 57501, United States

Sale Source
South Dakota Attorney General

Pierre, SD 57501, United States

Publication Format
Publication Type
United States of America
Downloaded April 29, 2008