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Sexuality in Confinement (From American Correctional Association - Proceedings, August 16-20, 1981, P 105-110, 1982, Julie N Tucker, ed. - See NCJ-85341)

NCJ Number
R G Aldridge
Date Published
6 pages
Nonviolent expressions of sexuality, such as masturbation and mutually accepted preferred or situational homosexuality, should be tolerated by prison staff, but violent expressions of sexuality should be prevented and punished.
Many inmates sublimate the sexual drive through exercise, art, and strenuous labor, while others relieve the sexual drive through masturbation and mutually pleasurable homosexuality. Masturbation is a normal sexual outlet, particularly when sexual relations with the opposite sex are not available. Surveys have shown that from 10 to 15 percent of the general population prefers a homosexual lifestyle, so it is to be expected that about this range of inmates prefers sexual relations with the same sex. There will also be situational homosexuals, persons who are normally heterosexual but who engage in homosexuality when their heterosexuality cannot be expressed over long periods. These expressions of sexuality cause no harm and do not violate the rights or preferences of the persons involved. Violent sexual behavior, however, such as gang rapes and forced homosexual sex, should not be tolerated in prisons. Adequate staffing in both custody and mental health can help prevent such incidents, but when they do occur, the perpetrator should be held responsible for his behavior. The child molester is a particular target for violent sex and even murder within the inmate subculture, so correctional guards should give particular attention to their safety. Six footnotes and 12 references are provided.