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Sexual Violence Against Women - A Scandinavian Perspective

NCJ Number
Victimology Volume: 9 Issue: 2 Dated: (1984) Pages: 195-210
A Snare
Date Published
6 pages
In this article the subject matter of sexual violence is approached from several interrelated directions. Data from a Swedish rape survey are presented.
Then the focus turns to the change of research paradigm that has taken place during the last decade. Particulary, the earlier negative image of many victimized women has been counteracted -- not the least by addressing the unreported spectrum of sexual assaults. It has been concluded that the officially known syndrome features much more deviant characteristics than it appears in typical occurrences. Policy implications following the new view on rape victims are highlighted in the history of a Swedish governmental report on sexual offenses. Lastly, reforms concerning the victim's position in the criminal justice system are discussed. (Author abstract)