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Sexual Victimization and Associated Risks Among Lesbian and Bisexual Women

NCJ Number
Violence Against Women Volume: 19 Issue: 5 Dated: May 2013 Pages: 634-657
Amy L. Hequembourg; Jennifer A. Livingston; Kathleen A. Parks
Date Published
May 2013
24 pages
This study examines relationships among childhood sexual abuse CSA, risky alcohol use, and adult sexual victimization among bisexual and lesbian women.
This study examines relationships among childhood sexual abuse CSA, risky alcohol use, and adult sexual victimization among bisexual and lesbian women. Half 51.2% of women reported CSA and 71.2% reported adult sexual victimization. Perpetrators were generally male, and 56.4% of women's most recent adult sexual victimization incidents occurred after coming out. Regression results indicated that adult sexual victimization severity was associated with a bisexual identity, more severe CSA history, more lifetime sexual partners, and higher alcohol severity scores. Compared to lesbians, bisexual women reported more severe adult sexual victimization experiences, greater revictimization, riskier drinking patterns, and more lifetime male sexual partners. Abstract published by arrangement with Sage.