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"Sexual Psychopathy" and Child Molesters: The Experiment Fails

NCJ Number
Journal of Juvenile Law Volume: 6 Dated: (1982) Pages: 49-79
I Prager
Date Published
32 pages
This article analyzes the failure of California's Mentally Disordered Sex Offender (MDSO) program.
California's Legislature acknowledged failure of its sexual psychopath experiment when it overwhelmingly voted to abolish the MDSO program in September 1981. At this time, hospitalization of a convicted sex offender is no longer a possible shortcut to freedom. Convicted child molesters and rapists may be hospitalized only after imprisonment rather than as an alternative to a prison sentence and then must meet certain criteria to receive the hospital treatment. Citizen outrage, effectively organized by a grassroots citizen's group, S.L.A.M., convinced the legislature to act. After substantial investigation, S.L.A.M. concluded that the MDSO system was ineffective in its effort to change the criminal behavior of molesters and in preventing the release of those molesters who were dangerous. 120 footnotes