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Sexual Assault in School, Mental Health and Suicidal Behaviors in Adolescent Women in Canada

NCJ Number
Adolescence Volume: 32 Issue: 126 Dated: (Summer 1997) Pages: 361-366
C Bagley; F Bolitho; L Bertrand
Date Published
6 pages
Emotional problems, suicidal behavior, and sexual assault experienced by adolescent women in school were studied.
Adolescent women (n=1,025) in grades 7 through 12 in a stratified random sample of Alberta high schools completed measures of emotional problems and suicidal behavior in the past 6 months, and of frequency and type of sexual assault (including sexual harassment) experienced in school. Twenty-three percent had experienced at least one event of assault (sexual touching, sexual threats or remarks, or an incident of indecent exposure); 4 percent had "often" experienced one or more of these assaults or harassments. Those experiencing a high number of sexual assaults or harassments were significantly more likely to have clinical profiles on the measures of emotional disorder; 15 percent of 38 women experiencing frequent, unwanted sexual touching had "often" made suicidal gestures or attempts in the previous 6 months, compared to 2 percent of 824 women with no experience of sexual assault. Tables, references