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Sexual Assault in a College Community

NCJ Number
Sociological Focus Volume: 19 Issue: 1 Dated: (January 1986) Pages: 1-26
R J Berger; P Searles; R G Salem; B A Pierce
Date Published
26 pages
Sexual assault may be viewed as a form of socially conditioned sexual aggression that stems from traditional gender role socialization and sexual learning. This paper reports on a survey of college women's experiences with unwanted sexual contact and contributes to the emerging documentation of the culturally normative nature of sexual assault.
This study supplements and broadens the focus of much previous research on rape by defining sexual assault more generally and considering a wider range of sexually assaultive behaviors. In addition, the survey findings are compared with the nature and extent of public awareness as indicated by campus and community newspaper reports, police statistics, and public officials' perceptions of the problem. (Publisher abstract)