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Sex Offender Registration: Community Notification Laws

NCJ Number
FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin Volume: 69 Issue: 7 Dated: July 2000 Pages: 17-24
Alan D. Scholle M.S.
Date Published
July 2000
8 pages
This article discusses the characteristics and effectiveness of sex offender registration laws.
Sex offender registration and notification laws intend to increase public safety by mandating the release of information about these dangerous offenders. Policymakers and criminal justice officials disagree about whether these laws actually accomplish their purpose of protecting the public; however, registries are a source of information for identifying, monitoring, and tracking sex offenders, while providing law enforcement officials with an additional tool in the investigation of unsolved sex-related crimes. The national registry will allow State officials to more effectively monitor transient sex offenders. For public notification to be effective, officials must educate the public about how to recognize characteristic sex offender behavior, encourage citizens to report suspicious behavior to the police, and provide specific suggestions on what citizens can do to protect themselves and their children. Legislators and criminal justice officials recognize that registration and notification laws generate controversy and have inherent limitations. Registration and notification of sex offenders should be viewed as pieces of a comprehensive law enforcement strategy to enhance public safety. Criminal justice officials and the public must cooperate in reducing sexual violence in their communities. 34 notes