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Sex Offender Community Notification in Oregon

NCJ Number
Date Published
32 pages
This report presents the content and impact of Oregon's sex offender community notification policy.
The Oregon Legislature enacted Community Notification during the 1993 legislative session and became effective November 3, 1993. It allows for the disclosure of offender information to a broad public on certain predatory sex offenders convicted of any degree of rape, sodomy, sexual abuse, unlawful sexual penetration or attempts at any of these offenses. As of January 1995, a total of 1,633 sex offenders were on probation and 981 were on parole or post-prison supervision. Specialized parole/probation officers supervise these offenders by using a combination of specialized supervision, polygraph, treatment, DNA testing, registration, and community notification to manage offender behavior safely in the community. Officers use the Sex Offender Assessment Scale to determine whether an offender exhibits predatory characteristics such as a history of sex offense convictions, stranger-to-victim offenses, multiple victims, use of weapons, threats or coercion, predatory behavior, prior nonsexual criminal history, forcible rape, or molestation of boys. If any three or more of these characteristics are found, the offender is identified for notification. Although there has been some harassment of offenders, only a few problems have been experienced. Most results have been positive. The report recommends that community notification continue as part of a comprehensive program of sex offender supervision in the community. The notification process should continue to be flexible, allowing the greatest level of responsiveness to community needs and sensitivities. Appended characteristics of sex offenders, the Sex Offender Notification Rule, the Department of Corrections Sex Offender Assessment Scale, and the Department of Corrections Sex Offender Community Notification Plan