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Sex Offender Commitments to State Prison

NCJ Number
Date Published
35 pages
This report examined the legal history of sex offenders committed to the New York State Department of Correctional Services, focusing on their felony offender status, minimum sentence, age at commitment, prior record, and first release to parole.
The data show that the total number of persons committed for all sex offenses in New York State increased from 630 in 1987 to 685 in 1990. Of sex offenders committed between 1987 and 1990, 46 percent were convicted of rape, 26 percent of sodomy, and 28 percent of sexual abuse. Of sex offenders committed in 1990, over 72 percent were first offenders, nearly 26 percent were second-felony offenders, and 1.8 percent were persistent recidivists. During the reporting period, sex offenders generally received longer minimum prison sentences than did other violent felony offenders. In particular, class B and class C sex offenders served much longer sentences than did other class B and class C felons. The average age at commitment of all sex offenders in 1990 was 33.2 years. About 25 percent had no known prior arrest history, while over 60 percent had been arrested for a crime other than a sex offense; 14 percent had an previous arrest on sex-related charges. Data on time served showed that convicted rapists served more time than those convicted of sodomy or sexual abuse. 12 tables, 7 figures, and 3 appendixes