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Sex Differences in Physically Aggressive Acts Between Heterosexual Partners: A Meta-Analytic Review

NCJ Number
Aggression and Violent Behavior Volume: 7 Issue: 4 Dated: July-August 2002 Pages: 313-351
John Archer
Vincent B. Van Hasselt, Michel Hersen
Date Published
July 2002
39 pages
This article presents a meta-analytic study of gender differences in domestic violence behaviors.
Prior domestic violence research has indicated that among heterosexual partners, men and women are nearly equally disposed to employ physically aggressive tactics during domestic disputes. The author developed a study that would utilize meta-analytic techniques to explore the sex differences in domestic aggression patterns. Study data were gathered from the Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS) questionnaire and self and partner reports were included in the data sample. Based on the data collected, the author concluded that men were more likely to engage in severe acts of domestic violence such as choking, strangling and "beating up." Women were more likely to throw an object or hit a partner with an object, slap, bite, kick, or punch. However, men were also more likely to exhibit the minor aggressive behaviors of pushing, grabbing, and shoving. 6 Tables, appendix, 110 references


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