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Service Provision to Women Experiencing Domestic Violence in Scotland: Summary of Key Conclusions and Recommedations

NCJ Number
Shelia Henderson
Date Published
36 pages
The issue of domestic violence affects a large number of women across a range of social groups and communities, and the visibility of domestic violence in Scotland has increased over the past 10 years with an increase in the reporting of domestic violence and in the demand for services
Recognizing the significance of domestic violence, research was conducted to evaluate services available in Scotland to female victims of domestic violence, to identify gaps in service provision, and to suggest service improvements. The first stage of the research identified organizations likely to be involved in providing support to women, the second stage explored perceptions of service providers, the third stage distributed questionnaires to respondents, and the fourth stage conducted interviews with service providers. The research found significant gaps in service for women experiencing domestic violence. These gaps related to the identification of relevant services, geographic service provision and physical access, nature of individual services, and interagency issues and coordination. Recommendations to minimize gaps in and barriers to services for female victims of domestic violence are offered. 94 references


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