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NCJ Number
A Chaudry; K E Maurer; C J Oshinsky; J Mackie
Date Published
32 pages
This annotated bibliography cites books, papers, and articles written about efforts to integrate and improve human services for children, youth, and families living in poverty; it is intended for use by individuals involved in service integration, including policymakers, program administrators, practitioners, academicians, researchers, and students.
The goal of the bibliography is to provide a broad overview of service integration. Criteria for selecting materials were that publications be timely, relevant, and currently in print; approach the subject of service integration from a broad-based perspective; emphasize practice over theory; and be available through a library or for purchase from a publisher or distributor. Publication and purchasing information appears for all items except journals which are listed in standard periodical directories. The bibliography contains 53 citations covering the 1987-1992 period. Specific topics concern case management, school-linked services, juvenile detention, service integration models, family support and education, adolescents at risk, welfare reform, child care and early education, families and children in crisis, service integration in community settings, and family self- sufficiency. Additional topics focus on the child welfare/mental health partnership, interagency collaboration, programs for infants and toddlers, welfare- to-work programs that strengthen families, and interagency juvenile justice services.