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Sentencing Reforms: Fair or Foul?

NCJ Number
Journal of State Government Volume: 61 Issue: 5 Dated: (September/October 1988) Pages: 177-178
R M Johnson; E M Davis
Date Published
2 pages
This article discusses the dispute between the Florida Legislature and the Supreme Court over the sentencing guidelines used to determine the severity of criminal sanctions.
A historical perspective of the guidelines is presented. Since 1983, every session of the Legislature has modified or considered modifying the guidelines, and trial judges have criticized the guidelines. A major effort to weaken the sentencing guidelines took place in the 1987 legislative session. Senate bills sought to repeal the guidelines and abolish the right to appeal a sentence imposed outside the recommended range. The guidelines are seen by many critics as too lenient. Overall, sentences imposed under the guidelines are approximately 25 percent shorter than sentences imposed before the guidelines. References. (Author abstract modified)