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Sentences Imposed Under the Guidelines, October 1, 1990 to September 30, 1991

NCJ Number
Date Published
767 pages
This is a report on sentencing under a guideline system for fiscal year 1991.
This volume presents sentence information and guideline factors on 18 categories of offenses involving: (1) Persons; (2) Property; (3) Public Officials; (4) Drugs; (5) Criminal Enterprises and Racketeering; (6) Fraud or Deceit; (7) Prostitution, Sexual Exploitation of Minors, Obscenity; (8) Individual Rights; (9) Administration of Justice; (10) Public Safety; (11) Immigration, Naturalization. Passports; (12) National Defense; (13) Food, Drugs, Agricultural Products, Odometer Laws; (14) Prisons and Correctional Facilities; (15) the Environment; (16) Antitrust; (17) Money Laundering and Monetary Transaction Reporting; and (18) Taxation. There is a separate section for miscellaneous other offenses.