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Sensitive Handling of Rape Victims

NCJ Number
Date Published
123 pages
This booklet supplements a 1-hour lecture on sensitive handling of rape victims that is required of all Naval Justice School law students.
In addition to a note-taking guide for the lecture and a copy of the Naval regulation on rape prevention and victim assistance, it provides an overview of the crime of rape and its effects on the victim. Particular attention is given to rape trauma syndrome, social and psychological aspects of rape, and their implications for victim-lawyer interactions, especially interviewing. Factual examples are provided to illustrate various aspects of rape trauma syndrome. A clinical discussion identifies the various types of rapists and the characteristics of their offenses. A suggested protocol for medical facilities treating rape victims is provided, as is a glossary of medical terms that may be encountered when researching sexual offenses. A 51-item bibliography cites books and articles on rape and victim's reactions to it. A list is provided of scientific tests that may be performed to identify seminal fluid or semen. A 72-item bibliography on scientific testing in sex offense cases is provided to assist attorneys in cross-examining expert witnesses.