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Self-Evaluation of Criminal Justice Curricula

NCJ Number
Criminal Justice Review Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Dated: (Spring 1982) Pages: 17-22
W V Pelfrey
Date Published
6 pages
This article proposes the implementation of an objective self-evaluation of criminal justice curricula through Bloom's 'Taxonomy of Educational Objectives,' based on a pilot study testing this evaluation tool in criminal justice courses at three universities.
The taxonomy is a complex continuum of educational objectives composed of six classifications: knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. The levels moving from knowledge to evaluation indicate progressively higher intellectual abilities usually associated with highly academic education as opposed to skill-oriented training. The pilot study applying the taxonomy to criminal justice education shows that it is a viable self-evaluation tool with manifest and latent functions. The implementation of a standard method of evaluation is a necessary intermediate step toward external evaluation and accreditation. Study data, reference notes, and 10 references are supplied.


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