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Self-Assessment Toolkit: Tools to Measure and Assess Your Progress in Implementing Weed and Seed Strategies in Your Target Area

NCJ Number
Date Published
62 pages
This "Toolkit" for a self-assessment of Weed and Seed projects contains information and worksheets for use in measuring identified variables pertinent to the effective operation and desired outcomes of a project.
The worksheet provided for each variable contains questions whose answers will help the project team determine whether the variable is being satisfactorily actualized in the project. The variables are grouped into the following categories: authorizing variables and effects variables. The authorizing variables shape the organization and its expected behavior and encompass start- up, organizing, and planning. The start-up variables are leadership and structure; the organizing variable consists of processes; and the planning variables involve strategy, goals and objectives, and programs and activities. The effects variables involve what the project actually does based upon what has been decided through the authorizing variables. Some of the effects variables are the programs and activities that are important for achieving the mission, and others pertain to the integrity and accountability needed for organizational acceptance and effectiveness. The effects variables encompass record keeping (financial affairs, record keeping and reporting, communication, and marketing) and implementation (quality, adaptation to change, fundraising, and overall effectiveness).