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Seeking Victim Input

NCJ Number
Date Published
8 pages
This factsheet from the Council of State Governments and the American Probation and Parole Association presents information on promising victim related practices in probation and parole, specifically seeking victim input in sentencing and release decisions.
This factsheet, one of several produced by the Council of State Governments and the American Probation and Parole Association, presents information on promising victim related practices in probation and parole. This factsheet addresses the practice of seeking victim input in sentencing and release decisions. Key times for seeking victim input include during the development of the presentence investigation (PSI) or pre-parole investigation (PPI) reports that are developed by probation and parole officers; prior to or at sentencing or parole hearings; and in some States, prior to or at probation or parole revocation hearings. The factsheet discusses the nine different types of victim impact statements that are currently being used by courts and correctional agencies around the country, as well as the format that victim input can take. Another area that needs to be covered is the policies and procedures that probation and parole agencies need to develop in order to properly and effectively solicit victim input. The factsheet discusses issues that need to be addressed when developing the policies and procedures, as well as the importance of incorporating and securing victim information in management information systems. Figures