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See Naples and Die - Organized Crime in Campania (From Organized Crime, P 134-158, 1986, Robert J Kelly, ed. - See NCJ-101273)

NCJ Number
J Walston
Date Published
24 pages
The history of organized crime in Naples, Italy, manifested in the criminal group known as camorra, is traced from the 17th century through the 1980's, with attention to its structure, personnel, activities, and government responses to it.
Camorra probably began as a prison society that spread to the outside. There were apparently complex initiation rituals and a variety of ranks that were entered through various ordeals. The camorra was struck a severe blow in 1912 when a homicide case led to the lengthy imprisonment of key leaders. It maintained a modest operation through wartime and the 20 years of Italian fascism and reasserted itself after World War II. Members achieve status through the effective use of violence and intimidation. The camorra has maintained a balance of power with the government through political power brokering stemming from the camorra's control over significant segments of Naples' citizens. For approximately the last 150 years, camorra has elicited protection money from professionals and businesses. It engages in illegal gambling, prostitution, cigarette smuggling, drug trafficking, and fraudulent businesses. Although the Neapolitan police and magistrates have sought to repress camorra excesses, their limitations prevent camorra's extinction. In the 1980's, camorra maintains its traditional structure and activities. Violence has increased due to conflicts within the power syndicates. 19 references.