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Security Survey of the ITEC (International Communications Corporation) Communications Group (From Security Litigations and Related Matters, P 99-115, 1982, Donald O Schultz and J Gregory Service, ed. - See NCJ-85313)

NCJ Number
W J Bopp
Date Published
17 pages
This security survey of the plant and warehouse facilities of the International Communications Corporation focuses on current vulnerability to internal loss and offers recommendations for security improvement.
The facilities surveyed are very vulnerable to internal theft. While the security force appears to be doing a good job, it is not sufficient to get the job done. The plant has so many points of access, so much valuable material in plain view, and so many unsupervised employees roaming the building that guards are frustrated in their work by a system that makes theft easy. Although a security guard checks employees in and out of the warehouse building, they are free to go anywhere in the facility without supervision. Vulnerability is compounded by the fact that many valuable items in both facilities are accessible, usable, and pocket-sized. While the buildings could be secured by tripling security personnel, this would not be cost-effective nor conducive to good employee morale. Recommendations are in the areas of a security orientation for new employees, background investigations of new employees, badge control, a secure clocking-in procedure, limiting access, closed-circuit television and monitoring, the alarm system, personal searches, the security force, parking lot security, the disposition of obsolete materials, and management's role.


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