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Security Staff Salaries

NCJ Number
Security World Volume: 21 Issue: 6 Dated: (June 1984) Pages: 26-30
K Lydon
Date Published
5 pages
This article reviews results of a survey on salaries, pay scales, and positions in the security field.
The study compared data from 1983 and 1984. Sixty-two percent of the 507 respondents represented middle management, with the executive level composing the remainder of the sample. The average 1983 salary plus bonus equaled just over $30,000, with the average 1984 salary reaching $31,257. The highest salaries were in utilities; the lowest salaries were in school/library/museum security. The varied titles found by the survey indicate more the industry practice than responsibility. There are more women in security management than before, but even adjusting for age and experience, their salaries are somewhat lower than those of male managers. The average age of the 1984 sample was 42, down from 44 in 1983. But experience seems to pay; the older managers had higher salaries. Certain industries seem to attract and hire younger personnel while others retain older, more experienced staff members. College education is becoming more common for security staff, and many schools now offer courses that lead to a career in loss prevention. Five bar graphs are included.


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