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Security for Small Businesses

NCJ Number
D L Berger
Date Published
186 pages
This text advises small business owners about proper precautions and deterrent measures to follow for security when a business cannot afford an inhouse or contracted formal security program.
The book discusses security equipment and methods, including perimeter control, locks and locking devices, alarms and interior space protection, closed circuit television, and security services (e.g., consultants, credit reporting and personnel clearance agencies, shopping and contract guard services, and private detective and undercover agencies). A security survey is first suggested before establishing or modifying a security program. Items that should be surveyed are the general environment and operations, perimeter, exterior, lighting, building, controls for locks and keys and employees and visitors. The text also mentions procedural controls (records for accounting, shipping, and receiving) and alarm and surveillance systems as important aspects of business security. Next, the book reviews crime control measures regarding check cashing, credit cards, robbery and burglary, as well as shoplifting, employee theft, and personnel clearance. The section on fire and accident prevention techniques describes types of fires, fire extinguishers, sprinkler and hose systems, fire alarm systems, fire prevention planning, and private fire brigades. The text reviews the Occupational Safety and Health Act's (OSHA) history and requirements. In addition, it considers small company safety organization, with attention to common safety violations, emergency care, and training for lifesaving. Footnotes, figures, diagrams, an index, a list of selected services and products, and a bibliography of 2 references are provided.