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Security Manager's Handbook

NCJ Number
J Bologna
Date Published
172 pages
This manual explains the basic components and procedures of industrial security measures aimed at preventing or minimizing financial losses and physical harm from preventable accidents, natural disasters, disasters which do not result from negligence, willful misconduct, and employee corruption.
Using a question and answer format, the manual explains the difference between industrial security and law enforcement; the operational objectives of each component in the industrial security process; and the activities involved in developing control systems for physical security, personnel security, and information security. Procedures for making a computer room secure, for developing accounting controls, and for contingency planning are included. Checklists provided cover departmental objectives and budget, security management, information protection, and building security. Questionnaires focus on computer physical and procedural security. Survey outlines cover company employment policies and work rules and external security. Additional materials included a risk analysis matrix, criteria for assessing criticality, and a disaster plan evaluation matrix. Supplementary articles focus on white-collar crime, computer security, screening of job applicants, and the relative merits of punishment for dishonesty and validation for honesty.