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Security Consulting

NCJ Number
C A Sennewald
Date Published
126 pages
Written for security and law enforcement professionals, this text provides new and potential consultants with practical guidelines for starting and maintaining a successful independent practice in security consulting.
An introduction explains the difference between a security executive and an independent consultant and describes the consultant's daily work. Qualifications are also discussed, with emphasis on experience, education, professional credentials, and interpersonal skills. Guidelines on starting the business cover the geographic location, the office location, telephone service, the business name, recordkeeping, office equipment, stationery, and a press release. Advice on marketing focuses on how to define services, identify customers, and determine how to reach those customers. Further chapters explain the proposal and contract, how to conduct a security survey, the organization and contents of the consultant's report, and setting fees and billing. Other chapters explain the nature and process of forensic consulting and list ethical standards for consultants in general and for forensic consulting. Sample forms and related materials; index; 14 references; and appended sample contracts, agreements, and worksheets.


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