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Security Closed Circuit Television Handbook: Applications and Technical

NCJ Number
T G Kyle; J Aldridge
Date Published
225 pages
This book is designed to give the technical reader a better understanding of how closed-circuit television (CCTV) is used in the security industry and provides the security expert the background needed to communicate with technical colleagues.
In helping businesses to get the best out of their CCTV systems, this book addresses operators and control rooms, the video as an extended eye, light and fields of view, the establishment of a CCTV system, testing and maintenance, equipment, and technical specifications. The basic principles of this book are that the system must be properly specified; good equipment must be installed; the equipment must be routinely maintained to stay in good working order; and good operating procedures must be established and followed. The particular tasks that CCTV can do well must be understood, along with what other equipment is available to do the things that CCTV cannot do. Both of these sets of information must be known as the first step in specifying the system. The equipment's limitations and capabilities must be determined. In addition to the capabilities and limitations of CCTV equipment, this book also emphasizes the importance of human behavior in maximizing the effectiveness of CCTV. One chapter addresses means to help keep operators from getting bored, the interaction of operators and displays, the planning of control rooms to facilitate ease of operation, and the use of equipment to help the operator. Chapter figures and tables, illustrative photographs, and a subject index