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Security Awareness: Your Next Challenge

NCJ Number
Security Volume: 25 Issue: 4 Dated: (April 1988) Pages: 39-41
R D Russell
Date Published
3 pages
Once a security program is in place, a security awareness program is needed to stimulate, motivate, and educate employees.
Setting up a security awareness program requires strategic planning: identifying needs, pinpointing objectives, and soliciting input from all divisions. Marketing strategies can be used to generate employee interest and involvement. These may include paycheck inserts, newsletter articles, posters, brochures, and audiovisual materials setting forth company standards and policies on electronic and general security procedures and personal safety. Other strategies include employee orientations, seminars, and low-cost incentives. Security fairs, use of designated security coordinators in each work location, and computerized security kits offer additional mechanisms for educating employees and building security awareness and involvement.