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Search Warrant Procedures in Seven Cities (United States), 1984

NCJ Number
R vanDuizend; L P Sutton; C A Carter
Date Published
23 pages
After briefly describing the methodology of a 1984 study of search warrant procedures in seven unnamed cities, this report presents the study's codebook.
Data were collected by the National Center of State Courts, funded by the National Institute of Justice. Court cases were identified in one of three ways: observation during real-time interviews, court records of real-time interviews, or court records of historical cases. The variables in the data set include the rank of the police officer applying for the warrant, the type of agency applying for the warrant, the general object of the search requested, the specific area to be searched, and the type of crime being investigated. Other variables are the central offense named in the warrant, the evidence upon which the warrant application is based, and the disposition of the warrant application. The data contain 128 variables and have a logical record length of 80 characters. The data file has 8,352 records. There is also a file of SPSS control cards. The codebook contains the code numbers for the specified data items. (Author summary modified)


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