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Screening Test for the Selection of Police Officers

NCJ Number
Canadian Police College Journal Volume: 6 Issue: 1 Dated: (1982) Pages: 1-12
G Metivier; R Gauthier; R Gaboriault
Date Published
12 pages
The Ottawa Police Force (Canada) devised a battery of tests to screen new recruits and developed percentile scales for the various parameters measured.
According to experienced police authorities, officers should rank highly on the following physical qualities: physique, muscular strength, power and endurance, joint flexibility, visual and auditory reaction time, and organic efficiency. The battery of tests measured these characteristics. The report outlines the equipment, position of the subject, and performance in each test. The tests specifically measure strength in the back, leg, grip, and arm; flexibility; reaction time; visual and auditory stimulus;; power; abdominal muscle endurance; and physique. In a test performance comparison with Texas officers, Ottawa's recruits were found to have younger men who were taller, heavier, and leaner than their counterparts in Texas. Six tables and nine references are included. A French language version of the report is provided.


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