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Screening Offenders for Risk of Drop-Out and Expulsion from Correctional Programmes

NCJ Number
Legal and Criminological Psychology Volume: 15 Issue: 2 Dated: September 2010 Pages: 341-356
Kevin L. Nunes; Franca Cortoni; Ralph C. Serin
Date Published
September 2010
16 pages
The goal of the present research was to develop a screening measure to assist in identifying offenders at risk for drop-out or expulsion from correctional programmes.
The DRS consists of five items, including static and dynamic risk factors for recidivism as well as motivation for intervention. It significantly predicted drop-out/expulsion in the development sample (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve [AUC] = .72) and performed similarly in the validation sample (AUC = .70). The results indicate that the DRS is a valid screening instrument for risk of drop-out/expulsion. Prior to commencement of a treatment programme, offenders with high scores on the DRS could be more thoroughly assessed and, if necessary, targeted with pre-treatment efforts to increase their motivation and general readiness for treatment. Non-Aboriginal male offenders (N=5,247) were randomly divided into a development sample (N=2,617) and a validation sample (N=2,630). In the development sample, individual predictors were identified through univariate and multivariate analyses, weighted based on their relationship with drop-out/expulsion, and combined into a composite measure we called the drop-out risk screen (DRS). Tables and references (Published Abstract)

Publication Format
Publication Type
Report (Study/Research)
United Kingdom