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Scott County Jail Treatment Program

NCJ Number
R Snell
Date Published
17 pages
This evaluation report provides a description of the Scott County Jail Treatment Program (Minn.) and includes an analysis of the jail's service delivery costs and goal attainment from June 1, 1977, through July 31, 1979.
Present program staff levels appear to bring the Scott County Jail in compliance with Department of Corrections regulations on jail program staffing. Program clients averaged 18.3 hours of treatment and services provided by program staff. Thirty-eight program clients (65.5 percent) averaged an additional 26.8 hours of treatment and services from outside agencies. Chemical dependency treatment has received the most attention, followed by education and employment services. Of those program clients who have been released for 1 year, 85 percent were employed, attending school, or receiving vocational training full-time. Since 91.7 percent of those on community release were so involved 1 year after their release, the program is exceeding its goal of having 70 percent of the community-release clients employed, attending school, or receiving vocational training 1 year after release. Of those clients not having a high school education at jail intake, 30.8 percent obtained their GED while incarcerated in the jail. The program is meeting its goal of having 60 percent of those clients receiving chemical dependency programming continuing to receive such treatment 1 year after release from jail. Eighteen (81.8 percent) of those 'at risk' in the community for 1 year have not been reincarcerated in the Scott County Jail for a new conviction or a parole or probation violation. It is recommended that the jail treatment program be refunded by the Scott County Board. Tabular data are provided. (Author summary modified)