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Scientific Summary of the Tenth International Congress on Criminology Part 1: Criminology and the Sciences of Man; Violence and Criminal Careers

NCJ Number
International Annals of Criminology Volume: 27 Issue: 1/2 Dated: (1989) Pages: 223-248
E E Flynn
Date Published
26 pages
This paper summarizes the papers presented at the 10th International Congress of Criminology held in Hamburg, Germany in September 1988 and focusing on behavioral and social sciences, violence, criminal careers, crime and the abuse of power, and corrections.
An opening lecture noted the diversity of backgrounds and professional experiences of criminologists and noted that the conference would assess the current status of criminology, the role of politics, and the myth that the world is a "global village." Subsequent presentations focused on problems in criminological theory and research, the definitions of crime, problems in the historical and social explanations of crime, research in comparative criminology, the criminal careers of violent offenders, feminist criminology, victimology, policing, and juvenile delinquency.


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