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Schools that Work - 6 Case Studies - The School Team Approach Phase I Evaluation

NCJ Number
Date Published
146 pages
These six school case studies are part of the first phase of a project evaluation of 'School Team Approach to Problems of Crime and Disruption in the School,' a nationwide effort to mobilize local schools and communities to address school crime and disruption.
In phase one, teams of school staff and community members from single school sites were given 2 weeks of training, at which time each team developed an action plan for addressing school crime and disorder. Schools were selected because their teams were instrumental in markedly reducing crime and the fear of crime. Their cases cover the first 2 years of team operation (spring 1977 to spring 1979) and are based on interviews with teachers, administrators, students, and community residents. Located in the West, South, Southwest, and North Midwest, the schools include an elementary school, two junior high or middle schools, two high schools, and a combination high school and middle school. Each case study addresses the school's setting, environment, climate, the educational program, the team, action plans, overall impressions, and students' views of the school. The studies indicate that effective school teams influenced all aspects of the school program, including the academic program and school administration. Teams with strong administrative support were most likely to be successful. Appendixes contain a discussion of delinquency theory and school change as well as letters to school principals.