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School Violence: An Ecological, Social, and Cultural Perspective (From Violence in American Schools: A Practical Guide for Counselors, P 167-183, 2000, Daya Singh Sandhu and Cheryl Blalock Aspy, eds. -- See NCJ-185486)

NCJ Number
Farah A. Ibrahim; Peter Tran
Date Published
17 pages
School violence is reviewed from ecological, social, cultural, and historical perspectives, and the authors recommend moving beyond limited approaches that focus only on schools when the problem of violence is a societal issue that may have its roots in history.
Violent events faced by children and adolescents and the stress such events place on young people are examined in the context of violence, with emphasis on media violence, children as witnesses of violence, trends in violence, teachers and violence, the school as an enabler, ethnic minority status, minority gangs, dating violence, domestic violence, and risk factors. The authors propose a model for preventing school violence that involves the community, the school, and the home and that uses a psycho-educational approach to reshaping beliefs and assumptions. In addition, a complete curriculum overhaul is suggested that focuses on educating young people to live principled lives and with appropriate values and beliefs that enhance life and provide the skills to act on these beliefs. 58 references


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