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School Linked Services

NCJ Number
The Future of Children Volume: 2 Issue: 1 Dated: (Spring 1992) Pages: complete issue
R E Behrman
Date Published
144 pages
The articles presented in this document provide an overall summary of the knowledge and experience that has been accumulated about school-linked services, identify existing program gaps, and suggest reasonable policies and program strategies to pursue.
Recognition is increasing that, for many children, health and other social services are critical prerequisites to academic achievement. In some parts of the United States, the approach of school-linked services is under debate; in other places planning for such services is under way; and in some locales programs are in full operation. One contributor reports that public schools in the United States have been responsible for providing a mixture of educational and noneducational services since the beginning of the 20th Century. Other contributors compare the current dimensions and structure of the education, health, and social service systems in relation to the needs of the children; present selected examples of school-linked services; analyze current patterns of financing services for children; summarize efforts to evaluate programs linking schools and providers of noneducational services; identify the key issues involved in developing school-linked services in a community; describe what school leadership and staff must do to prepare for school-linked services; question the wisdom of a policy that promotes the school as the key site for providing or coordinating health and social services; and discuss current activities and plans at the Federal level. 8 figures, 201 references, and 1 appendix