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School Dropouts: New Approaches to an Enduring Problem

NCJ Number
Education and Urban Society Volume: 20 Issue: 4 Dated: (August 1988) Pages: 363-386
R R Fernandez; G Shu
Date Published
24 pages
This study analyzes factors in Hispanic Americans' dropping out of school as evidenced from national data on dropouts contained in the study entitled, 'High School and Beyond' (HSB), and it suggests approaches for addressing the high drop-out rate.
The traditional variables that correlate highly with dropping out of school were examined from the HSB, including family income, family educational background, student characteristics, test scores, and program participation. Although many Hispanic dropouts did fit the stereotypical profile, many did not. Many Hispanic dropouts were academically capable, came from middle-class families, had parents with relatively higher indices of educational attainment, did not have school-related problems, had expectations of graduating, were enrolled in academic programs, and were not over-aged as compared to their classmates. This finding suggests that programs designed to prevent Hispanic students from dropping out of school must have a two-pronged approach. Although one prong must focus on factors that typically place a student at risk of dropping out, another prong must address factors that cause Hispanic students apparently not 'at risk' to drop out of school. Prevention measures for this group must be based on research which explores why these students are motivated to leave school. 8 tables, 32 references.


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