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School-Based Abuse Prevention: Effect on Disclosures

NCJ Number
Journal of Family Violence Volume: 25 Issue: 7 Dated: October 2010 Pages: 651-659
Ian G. Barron; Keith J. Topping
Date Published
October 2010
9 pages
This study sought to develop a systematic approach to the recording/reporting of abuse disclosures, explore the nature of interactions leading to disclosure, and measure the generalization of disclosures of abuse beyond the classroom in an analysis of the effectiveness of school-based abuse prevention programs.
This paper focuses specifically on the analysis of disclosures and forms part of a wider study which evaluated the effectiveness of the Violence is Preventable program. Participants included a survivor group, grade 6 group, and a grade 7/8 group with equivalent waiting-list comparison groups. Lessons were delivered either by voluntary organization workers or class teachers. Disclosures were systematically recorded by presenters. Video was used to analyze interactions around disclosures. Substantial numbers of disclosures occurred when lessons were delivered by survivor organisation presenters. Video analysis suggested this was partly due to adult-student interactions characterized by low levels of adult control. Studies on a larger scale are needed particularly comparing outcomes from different presenters with an analysis of what leads to disclosure in and beyond the classroom. Table, appendix, and references (Published Abstract)