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Scared Straight -- Ideology and the Media

NCJ Number
Journal of Criminal Justice Volume: 9 Issue: 6 Dated: (1981) Pages: 431-439
G Cavender
Date Published
9 pages
It is the contention of this article that this film and the accompanying media coverage of it convey an ideological message concerning crime and criminals. Crime is presented as a matter of individual choice that has little relationship to any social variables. Criminals are portrayed in a one-dimensional manner as evil, vicious, and barely human. The documentary is a success because these images of crime and criminals conform to existing stereotypes. Based on these distorted images, the film and media coverage 'market' a simplistic solution to crime that is compatible with their presentation of the crime problem.
One of the more widely publicized presentations about crime is 'Scared Straight,' a documentary about a program in which juveniles visit inmates in a New Jersey penitentiary. (Author abstract)