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Santa Fe Community College Crisis Management Team--Part II

NCJ Number
Campus Law Enforcement Journal Volume: 33 Issue: 2 Dated: March/April 2003 Pages: 20-22,24,29
Daryl Johnston
Date Published
March 2003
9 pages
This article describes an exercise that was designed to prepare Sante Fe Community College Campus Police for a campus crisis situation.
The exercise splits the participants into two groups: a public safety work group and a college crisis management team. The goal of the exercise is to prepare the community college police to work with other emergency management teams to identify crisis management options and to determine courses of action. The exercise is presented in real time and lasts 4 hours; a strict timeline is provided to make the exercise more realistic. The exercise lays out ground rules such as the background information that each group would have prior to an incident and the assumptions the groups should make during the exercise. The scenario for the exercise is an active shooter on campus who is also throwing small explosives. Participants determine how to initially manage the crisis and how to secure the public’s safety. The second part of the scenario has the participants determine how to manage the consequences of the crisis, such as how to respond to the media and the family members of victims. The evaluation sheet for the exercise is presented and contact information is provided. The exercise was initially presented at the 44th Annual Conference of the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators, held in Cleveland, OH.