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San Joaquin County Jail Population Study: Final Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
282 pages
This is the final report on a study into the causes, nature and solutions for persistent jail crowding and facilities problems in San Joaquin County, CA.
Four major characteristics mark the San Joaquin County jail crowding problem: (1) a court-ordered jail cap of the old jail and honor farm facilities; (2) fees on persons booked into county correctional facilities; (3) a significantly large proportion of inmates held on warrants; and (4) a shrinking pool of available resources to deal with increasing demand for law and justice services. Consultants studied the nature of the inmate problem and its foreseeable growth; the type and scope of available programs and alternatives to incarceration; the organization and functions of the criminal justice agencies that comprise the system; the quality of incarceration facilities. This report presents final recommendations in all of these areas and concludes with a recommendation for a population management system for the management of the county's inmate population. Footnotes, tables, figures, list of abbreviations, appendixes, list of tables and figures