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San Bernardino County Transition Team: Watchdog for Success

NCJ Number
American Jails Volume: 5 Issue: 2 Dated: (May/June 1991) Pages: 56-58,60,62
P Danna; J E Lee
Date Published
5 pages
To realize its goals of developing the West Valley Detention Center (WVDC) as one of the most secure, cost-efficient complexes in the United States, the Sheriff's Department of San Bernardino County, California organized a team with extensive correctional experience and insight as to how jails function.
Team members, who committed to the project for five years without reassignment, developed a close working relationship with West Valley's planners, designers, engineers, and builders to assure their success. They met in intense daily sessions with criminal justice consultants to study specific operational functions, to select interior finishes, to investigate security hardware and related equipment, to establish staffing requirements, and to oversee construction. Every detail of the 724,000 square foot WVDC reflects the thoughtful ownership of those who will run it and work in it. The team and architects took a holistic approach to the project and weighed the impact of each design decision on the overall project. Details of the design of the WVDC are described, and suggestions are outlined to assist other counties interested in building a new jail.