This form - which is provided as part of the training and technical assistance offered to grantees under the Bureau of Justice Assistance's Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI) - is intended for use by grantees in completing and reporting on an inventory of all sexual assault kits (SAKs) in their respective jurisdictions that had not been submitted to a lab for evidence testing as of the date their SAKI grant was awarded.
The form has eight major sections that must be completed as required under the SAKI grant. The first six parts of the form solicit information on the name of the SAKI grantee agency/jurisdiction, the date the inventory of untested SAKs was initiated; the date the inventory was completed; the total number of untested SAKs identified in the inventory; the date range covered by the SAK inventory; and the locations where the inventoried SAKs are being stored, such as law enforcement evidence storage rooms or medical examiner/coroner offices. The seventh item in the form lists the data elements required to be completed for each SAK counted. These include victim age, offense data, SAK collection date, law enforcement incident number, data range that SAKs have been in site's possession, and the identification of SAKs that may soon be affected by a statute of limitations. The eighth section of the form requires a nine-part summary of the methodology used to conduct the SAK inventory.