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NCJ Number
N Tilley
Date Published
48 pages
This report summarizes progress made within projects in community safety and crime prevention strategy formation, developed under the auspices of the Great Britain Home Office Safer Cities program. Twenty Safer Cities projects were established in areas suffering high levels of urban deprivation with the goals of reducing crime, lessening the fear of crime, and rejuvenating inner city areas.
The five-phase developmental model used in creating the Safer Cities projects addressed the following issues: building trust, building motivation and capacity, building a strategy- developing structure, nurturing the structure and strategy, and exiting. This report discusses how progress has been achieved in each phase, and where Safer Cities has successfully managed to take the process forward. While no fully formulated strategy is yet in place in any of the Safer City sites, this report points to some of the emerging ingredients necessary for longer-term strategy development. Both physical and social interventions will need to be examined on three levels of penetration (conduct of new dedicated initiatives; incorporation into new, potentially relevant initiatives; and reexamination of existing patterns of practice). Guidelines for longer-term strategy developed are offered. 2 figures, 2 notes, 16 references, and 1 appendix