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SADC and Subregional Security: Unde Venis et Quo Vadis?

NCJ Number
M Malan
Date Published
43 pages
This monograph examines regional security arrangements in South Africa and suggests alternative programs.
The Southern African Development Community (SADC) was established in 1980. For the first 12 years of its existence, SADC operated without a legal framework, treaty or protocol as it pursued its goals of coordinating members' development initiatives and assisting in raising donor funds for those projects. The emphasis of SADC has changed over time and its goal now is regional trade liberalization and the eventual full economic integration of the Southern African countries. The monograph discusses creation of national SADC committees and of regional directorates; rationalizing the SADC secretariat; defense and security cooperation under the auspices of SADC; and comparative arrangements. Notes


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