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SACs Address Domestic Violence

NCJ Number
Forum Volume: 13 Issue: 3 Dated: (September 1995) Pages: 2-3,6
E Winkelstein
Date Published
3 pages
Many State Statistical Analysis Centers (SACs) are contributing to the efforts to address domestic assault by conducting research and gathering information.
The Massachusetts SAC is completing a two-part study evaluating the impact of a police training program that surveyed officers on their reporting of elder abuse and analyzing the training in response and reporting of domestic violence cases handled by the Cambridge Police Department. Delaware's research efforts are directed at stalkers, with emphasis on tracking them through the criminal justice system and determining why and how they reoffend. Rhode Island's SAC is analyzing the domestic violence incident forms completed by police officers. Connecticut's SAC has published a compilation of abstracts of studies and surveys of evaluation and research related to the State's Family Violence Prevention and Response Act. New York's SAC is collecting data regarding the State's mandatory arrest program. The Virginia SAC recently completed an evaluation of the Virginia Court Appointed Special Advocate Program. West Virginia's SAC is assisting the West Virginia Coalition Against Domestic Violence to establish a better reporting system as well as to aid with questionnaire development and data entry. Several SACs have focused their efforts on collecting and publishing data associated with domestic violence. Many SACs publish monthly or quarterly newsletters to provide data on issues facing the criminal justice system.