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Rookie Police Officers' Perceptions of Police Occupational Deviance

NCJ Number
Police Studies Volume: 6 Issue: 2 Dated: (Summer 1983) Pages: 30-38
T Barker
Date Published
9 pages
Respondents from a survey of 91 American police forces indicated that there was no force, no matter how small, which was perceived as being totally free of misconduct.
A total of 271 police officers from the 19 police forces were asked to provide an estimate of the amount of police corruption and misconduct in their forces. The amount of police deviance perceived by the respondents varied directly with the size of the department. Police occupational deviance included corruption and misconduct. Corruption involved corruption of authority, kickbacks, opportunistic thefts, shakedowns, protection of illegal activities, traffic fix, misdemeanor fix, felony fix, direct criminal activities, and internal payoffs. Misconduct involved police perjury, police brutality, sex on duty, drinking on duty, sleeping on duty, and other violations not involving a material reward or gain. Tables, 1 footnote, and 12 references are included. (Author abstract modified)