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Role of Psychologists in State Legislation Governing Sex Offenders

NCJ Number
Professional Psychology Volume: 11 Issue: 2 Dated: (April 1980) Pages: 194-201
S A Brunette; B D Sales
Date Published
8 pages
This article reviews the roles of psychologists and psychiatrists in legislation governing sex offenders in 50 States, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.
Of these, 27 States have legislation controlling the disposition of accused or adjudicated sex offenders. All allow for or mandate the evaluation, examination, and treatment of sex offenders by psychologists and/or psychiatrists. Although States vary in their recognition and use of psychologists compared to psychiatrists, psychologists are discriminated against under these laws. Study data (on the 27 States) are included; one reference and footnotes are supplied. (Author abstract modified)