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The Role of Human Service Providers During Community Supervision

NCJ Number
Cecelia Klingele, J.D.
Date Published
September 2021
67 pages

This white paper analyzes the human services needs of individuals serving under community correctional supervision, and presents ways in which departments can provide programs, treatment, and other support services to people on probation, parole, and pretrial release.  


One of every 58 American adults is currently under some form of community correctional supervision. People placed on community supervision often have significant human service needs, some of which are addressed through correctional agency resources, but most of which are met, if at all, through community-based human service agencies. This white paper summarizes what is known about the human service needs of people on supervision, and catalogs the ways in which various forms of community supervision can operate to either facilitate or impede the meaningful delivery of programs, treatment, and other services to people on probation, parole, and pretrial release. This paper also proposes three keys targets for improving the efficient and effective delivery of human services to people on community supervision.